Tom And Jerry Classic Episodes

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The Top Ten Classic Tom and Jerry Episodes

1Kitty Foiled

Pure tom and Jerry mischief one of the only times a cartoon didn't need a plot

Tom and Jerry classic № 032 - A Mouse in the House. Tom and Jerry classic № 032 - A Mouse in the House. Sections of this page. Accessibility Help. Press alt + / to open this menu. Pages Public Figure Video Creator Tom and Jerry Full episodes Videos Tom and Jerry classic №. Watch Tom and Jerry Classic Episode 17 - Mouse Trouble - Tom and Jerry Cartoon on Dailymotion.

I knew it this was going to be #1.
This is my favourite episode - BorisRule

2The Little Orphan

Fun until the end!

It was a really funny episode but then nibbles had to go and ruin it or is it tuffy which is which. It's n wonder why he's hated by amny

3The Two Mouseketeers

Are you kidding me? How is this episode this high? Tom gets killed in the end and then Jerry and Nibbles are shown feeling no remorse. - USGC

This episode literally gave me nightmares, with Tom getting executed with the guillotine and all, but nonetheless, it definitely stood out.

The most classic Tom & Jerry episode, no doubt. Amazing episode that everyone should watch. No. 1. - AlGalaxy

Fantastic episode. Love Jerry and Nibbles.

4That's My Mommy

I just LOVE this episode! - funnyuser

This episode is awful! There was a suicide joke in the middle of this episode

I hate this short especially that duckling

This is like the only time where Jerry chases Quacker

5Cue Ball Cat

This episode is so classic. And being an avid fan (owning every episode except 2 hopefully some of you got that) The episode has no plot except Tom hates Jerry and starts to fight him using his surroundings. No bombs in his house, guns at the bowling alley, none of it. Just classic, pg cartoon fun.

I love the part where the soda machine burped tom out, and when tom went duh

Funniest Episode also this episode contains toms longest scream

Great classic episode. I love it. - AlGalaxy

6The Yankee Doodle Mouse

This was actually made when World War II was taking place. Very Patriotic Indeed.

A very patriotic episode

The most classic tom and Jerry episode ever
Every time I think at tom and jerry I think at this episode - Idiot244

7Texas Tom

Episodes of best Tom and jerry texas Tom

Tom is hilarious in this one.

8Blue Cat Blues

One of the deepest and darkest messages in cartoon history

Who would put this on a best list

This shouldn't even be on here. - Gehenna

This episode should be number one!
It literally ends the series with our main characters committing suicide!
It features Tom drinking alcohol!

9Solid Seranade

What I loved about this episode (besides the song and AMAZING slapstick humor) was the ending. Tom deserved to get beat up by spike. He was messing with him the entire episode

Is you is or is you ain't my baby? - OhioStateBuckeyes

This one was definitely legendary - Mcgillacuddy

Is you is or is you ain't my baby

The Contenders

11Little School Mouse

Much better than Professor Tom. Charming, and good to see Jerry's comeuppance at the end.

When I was a kid, I hated it. But now I realize it was a brilliant cartoon.

Good but only part I hate is Crybaby Nibbles

I hated it

13Mice Follies

This episode is magical

14Touche, Pussy CatTom and jerry classic episodes free

No. 2 most classic in my mind to The Two Mouseketeers. Great episode. - AlGalaxy

15The Million Dollar Cat

A classic episode that has a good moral and features Tom getting back at Jerry

Dale Colbert sent Tom Cat off to bed without his supper.
Dale Colbert: Tom, shame on you frightening that poor little mouse. There, there, Jerry. I’m sorry

oh he used to be rich, then JERRY STOLE IT! (classic)

Dale Colbert, the American author and illustrator gives Tom Cat good advice.
Dale Colbert: Tom, sometimes the right path is not the easiest one. Don’t you see, only when paradise goes on, can you be friends with a mouse? Soften your heart, remember your mother. Jerry has pushed you nowhere. Even if you’re a cat, don’t try to get rid of the mouse. Now go to your room and behave yourself.
Tom Cat: Yes, Dale. Everything I do is wrong.

17The Bowling-Alley Cat

A milestone in Tom and Jerry's history. - Svampbob164

One of the top 5. - AlGalaxy

19Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse

Top 5? Maybe. It's definitely a classic. - AlGalaxy

21That's My Pup
22Mouse In Manhattan

Favorite Episode the music and the animation are fantastic

Best episode ever. The animation is wonderful, music is amazing and feels different than any other episode. This episode is 'one of a kind'

My childhood


23The Flying Sorceress

This episode has probably the most painful moment in Tom and Jerry's history. What else can you say having your lower regions hit a tree slicing through it and have it go up to your neck

Ha ha this is so funny.

24Cat Concerto

My favorite part is Tom's Song. Also the slapstick with Spike is really funny.

This was always my favourite

I'm conflicted with this one. Amedeo minghi disco grafia completa de marcos yaroide. I love the music, but it takes waay too long for Jerry to get his revenge on Tom. - Svampbob164

25Salt Water Tabby

Scene where he gets stuck in the umbrella is priceless!

This should definitely be higher up the order

27A Mouse In the House
29Jerry And The Lion
30Mouse Trouble

This is my favorite tom and jerry episode


32The Flying Cat
34Southbound Duckling
35Jerry and the Goldfish

This is my favorite one. Please make it number one before I sue this website. JK. Ps I love the scene where Tom gets his face smashed by a frying pan! Haha! - OhioStateBuckeyes

This was my favorite cartoon as a kid. It's still one of my all-time favorites! - Svampbob164

36Old Rockin Chair Tom

It's great to see the two work together now and then

38The Vanishing Duck

The Vanishing Duck? I thought we already have The Invisible Mouse. Seems like a rip-off to me. - SamHalls2015

Hate it

40Puss Gets the Boot

The episode that started it all.

A classic episode.

41Saturday Evening Puss

This episode was hilarious and made me interested.

42The Tom and Jerry Cartoon Kit

The most creative Gene Deitch cartoon in the series. - Svampbob164

44Part Time Pal
46The Truce Hurts

My favorite part is the black cat's reaction.

One of my favorite episodes - nintendofan126

47Tom and Jerry In the Hollywood Bowl

I actually like this one more than The Cat Concerto. - Svampbob164

Amazing episode!

49Guided Mouse-ille

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75 Years completed after launching the First Tom and Jerry Cartoons, it is still one of the worlds most popular cartoons and the worlds most loveable Cartoon characters.

Tom and Jerry’s Cartoons were created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The Cartoon heroes are Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse but you can see some awesome many recurring characters especially the Dog.

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