Game Penghasil Uang Langsung Ke Rekening

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Game Penghasil Uang Langsung Ke Rekening


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Karena semua sudah disiapkan dan disediakan oleh, maka tugas Anda menjadi sangat ringan.Buruan JOIN KLIK DISINI!!! IlhamI’m a huge fan of meeting girls at coffee shops because their guardis down and they are easier to talk to. It doesn’t hurt that I’musually doing something interesting like writing or studying alanguage, which helps broadcast that I’m probably a cool guy.I go to coffee shops that are crowded so that I can share a tablewith a girl. What I do is look around, find the prettiest girl, andregardless of how many books or other crap she has on her table, Ipolitely ask if I can join her. Unless she has a friend coming, theanswer will always be yes.I sit down, get my book or laptop out, and wait a few minutesbefore I start a conversation. I make a comment either about a bookshe’s reading or some work she may be doing on her laptop.

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Here’stwo lines you can try:1. “Is that a good book?” Then talk about the book.2. “It looks like you’re working really hard there.” Then talkabout the work that both of you are doing.Other suitable openers can relate to the environment (maybe howbusy the coffee shop is or what type of pastry she is eating).

Ioften say the first inoffensive question or statement that pops inmy head that is NOT personal in nature. For example never open agirl by asking what her name is or if she comes to the coffee shopoften.Even if you don’t share a table with a girl in a crowded coffeeshop, you can open her if she’s within speaking range at aneighboring table. Don’t feel that you must be sharing a table witha girl to open her. Many times I’ve opened a girl wayyyyyy on theother side of the coffee shop when I’m walking out or heading tothe bathroom.In coffee shops you can open with lines so simple they can be seenas “boring,” while in a bar or club you should use openers with alittle more spice that grabs her attention since it’s easier forher to walk or turn away. In the coffee shop environment it’s muchmore unlikely for her to immediately blow you off by leaving orgiving you the cold shoulder, so you can use more casual openers.After you open a girl, you’re main goal will be to have a good chatand squeeze in some interesting things you’ve done recently. Daygame is a little different from night game in that you don’t needto constantly be “gaming.” Simply being interesting will get you apile of numbers.Now let’s see all this in action with a girl I picked up one nightat the Chinatown Starbucks in Washington D.C.

(H and 7th Street foryou D.C. I noticed a young girl sitting at a table only afew feet away from me.

Game Penghasil Uang Langsung Ke Rekening Mp3

She was taking notes from a book.If a girl has a prop with her then always open her using that prop.I said, “You look like you are working really hard. What kind ofbook is that?” It was a book on artist Georgia O’Keefe.

She told meshe’s studying art history.I replied, “I took art history in college and considered majoringin it but I didn’t know what type of job I could get afterwards.The irony is that what I did pick I ended up quitting after sixyears.”Do you see what I did? I put a juicy worm on a hook, saying that Ihad a career but quit, presumably to do something more interesting.She bit and asked me what I studied, what job I had, and what I’mdoing now.When a girl asks you a personal question in a day game setting thenthe number is just about guaranteed. In fact, a girl asking youpersonal questions is the number one way to tell if she isinterested in you or not, because that’s how she sizes you up as apotential hook-up, lover, or boyfriend. It’s a simple matter ofwhen a girl likes you, she wants to know who you are.I told her my life story, packaged into a little spiel that I knowmakes girls attracted to me.I said, “I quit my job and traveled to South America for sixmonths to find the meaning of life I guess. After six months Iwas defeated so I came back and now I’m writing a book about myexperience.”“Oh that’s so cool!” she replied.Note that I threw in more bait: “meaning of life,” “defeated,” and“writing a book.” She further bit on the book bait and I told herabout what I was writing about.We chatted for a bit and then when it was time for her to go Isuggested we have a drink some time. She gave me her number withouthesitation.When it works it looks incredibly easy.

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In this case the girl wasonly 19-years-old so my older age combined with my experience madeher very interested in a short amount of time.If you open a girl in a coffee shop and she doesn’t like you, shewill give you a short, polite answer and then avert eye contact andgo back to her work. But if she is curious she will hold eyecontact for just a couple seconds longer than necessary toencourage you to continue. And continue you shall until she driftsoff.If you are talking to a girl for a while and wondering if she likesyou or not, all that matters is if she is asking you questions. Ifby the twenty minute mark she doesn’t ask you anything, then thatmeans she doesn’t care about who you are. Again, no big deal,because not every girl is going to want to get it from you. Tryagain next time.Before I studied the game no girl would ask me questions aboutmyself because I had no idea know how to convey my interestingqualities in a confident, non-needy manner. So the only girls whowould hang out with me in college were ones who wanted to use mybrain to help them study for exams.

I was always the friend andNEVER the guy that girls were sexually attracted to.After college I decided to get this part of my life handled. I waslucky to have a couple friends who were club rats and knew how toapproach and game women. I started off copying their moves andlines and in the course of six years I developed a system on my ownthat consistently builds attraction and results in phone numbers,make-outs, and bangs.I no longer have to be friends with girls in the hopes that maybeone day she will want to have sex with me. I no longer hug mypillow at night wondering why I got shafted yet again. Now I meet agirl, game her, and wait for her to ask me questions that serves asa green light to take the interaction to the next level.I recorded my system into an affordable book that I call Bang.

Ithas everything that I know about girls divided into five chaptersof game: Internal, Early, Middle, Late, and End Game.I’m confident it’s the only book you’ll ever need to read aboutbanging girls, and I completely back it up with ano-questions-asked money back guarantee. If you’ve ever spotted agirl you were attracted to and wondered how you could talk to herin a way that ends in sex, then Bang is definitely for you. Clickthe link below to read ten full-length sample pages of Bang todaybefore grabbing your copyDiposkan pada. Saat di rumahnya bung indra dngn santai hapeku bergetar.tak lama kemudian aku lihat,ternyata ada pesan masuk dari.A.Yg isinya:.a:ntar mlm u ketempatku yhalalu aq blasaq:mmg ada apa di tmpatmu?.a:maen sini lah,kan dah lama ngk ktemuaq:hmm liat nanti aja ya.a:tadi tmen km sms aku,ktanya mau kesiniaq:ya udaa biar tmenku aja yg kesana.a:tapi aku pengenya kamu yg kesiniaq:lha kok gtu?.a:ntar klo km kesini,biar temenmu tak sruh jgn kesini.terusanya hanya penulis dan dia yang tau 🙂Diposkan pada.

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